Thursday, 7 August 2008

Can an ex ever truly be an ex.....

Okay, so two weeks ago I get a call from a withheld number. I roll my eyes....who can this be??? The following conversation ensues:
Me: Hello
Caller: Hi Val...its me Greg (fake name)
Me: (Shocked)...oh hi...
Caller: Sorry u sound busy...did I call at a bad time...
I'm about to tell him yes, but seeing as my number of male callers has been a recurring zero, I decide to lighten up and entertain this conversation. You see, Greg and i were once an item. We broke up after he made it clear that his friends (of the female kind) played a more prominent role in his life than I did. And yeah...after he tried to sleep with a close friend of mine (Amina...another fake name). Till this day he continues to swear on his life that he never attempted to do this. Amina, on the other hand has proved that she is a conniving twat and we have since parted ways. So I guess that is one story that I may never come to the bottom off. Anyway...I digress....the telephone conversation continues....

Me: Oh no, I just got home but its have you been?
Greg: I'm fine. I'm in London. Came in this morning.....
Me: Oh really..
Greg: Yeah, I’m staying at Hakeem’s house (a mutual friend). I saw some of your pictures on face book...u look real nice...
Me:’s Hakeem?...have not seen him in a while….
Greg: He is ok....we should catch up soon.....maybe over a would be so nice to see you again?

Alarm bells go off in my head, meet up for drinks, catch up???? This guy is nothing short of a bastard, why should I even bother? But reality soon sets in, this will be my first 'drink' with a guy since phone hasn’t exactly been buzzing with guys asking me to go for ‘drinks’. So despite all memories of the past sending me flashing red danger signals......i go.....

The date itself was pleasant. He still looks so good (the devil never looks ugly). We meet at a swanky ‘newish’ bar in central London. He looks fantastic...we talk, we laugh and then we go and watch a movie. Its all nice and sweet and 'friendly'. But then he offers to take me home, i agree. We get to the front of my flat and he comes out of the stomach muscles tighten.......

Me: okay, so call me when u get home…
Greg: OK. I will. Thanks for agreeing to come out for drinks. It felt so nice to hang out with you.

For some reason that i cant explain now, he closes the gap in between us. I take an awkward step backwards and smile, not wanting him to realise just how uncomfortable i really am.

Me: Yeah. It was a good night..thanks.....
And then it happens.....he places both his hands on my face and kisses me....(goshhhhhhh)....I really want to stop this, i really shouldn’t be doing this, this is not supposed to brain sends all the signals to my mouth to stop all activities. But my mouth wont....i kiss him back....and the rest is history.....

So my fellow bloggers.....can an ex really be an ex? How do i get out of this mess? Have you been in this position before...any advice??????? PLease help the hunter girl????


The Activist said...

I am loving your layout and template!!!

Hmmmm, an ex can be an ex putting into consideration the reason why you broke up in the first instance. If it was on a common error that could be resolved, an ex can be back again but if the offence was somewhat life threatening or so so bad and unforgetable, he stays exessssssssssss

Have you read this blogger acount of an ex?

Hunter girl said...

Hi standtall, thanks for the comments. Just read the blogg u suggested hilarious stuff!!!! When will men ever change???

The Activist said...

U made the visit so quickly. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

What led me to your blog was your comment on Bella Naija post and I kinda left a comment there as a response to your comment

Hunter girl said...

yeah, i've red your comments on the BN blog. INtresting views!!! I'm new on the blog scene, literally started a couple of days ago......its been good so far...Hope you enjoyed reading...

The Activist said...

Oh welcome to our world of bloggism!!! You are doing very well already

Godisalive said...

hmmm my body dey shake self reading it...actually i have been in a position wif an ex and it seemed nice just flirting knowing that it was just a bit of fun. FLIRTING is what it is and he is an EX for a reason so abeg find a new brother abegggggggg lol....


Hunter girl said...

@Godisalive...believe me...i dey find this new man with flashlight!!

SMSL said...

Hey, just take it as it happened, after all body no be wood!!! Don't even think abt it and if u don't want to ever talk to him after that, hey thats ok too.